GPRS Locates Utilities at RTA Facility in Cleveland, Ohio
GPRS was recently called out to a project by a general contractor at an RTA facility in Cleveland, Ohio. The scope of work was to locate any underground utilities in the vicinity and in conflict with a new trench that is planned to be installed. The contractor needed to excavate about a 1000ft trench. By using GPR and Radio Detection, we were able to locate utilities that the contactor desired. We were able to locate utilities such as electrical conduits (marked red in picture to the right), within the area of interest, from site lighting poles towards the buildings, and electrical conduits feeding the track switches and traffic control light signals. Electrical conduits were at about 2’ below the surface. Drains were also located.
The most exciting find was a conduit that crossed the trench path, shown in the picture below, that the contractor was unaware of and which would surely have been hit while trenching.
Why dig not knowing where any utilities are when GPRS can locate and mark all utilities with depth indications for your safety!
For more information on how GPRS can help you on your next project, please contact Vanja Dezelic at 440.344.5384 or by email at vanja.dezelic@gprsinc.com. We also have the capabilities of locating conduits, rebar, voids, and post tension cables in a concrete slab
GPRS does not provide geophysical, geological, land surveying or engineering services. If you need such services, please contact an appropriate professional.